Friday, October 9, 2015

The Daft Punk Document

This is a report/reflection of my bionic arm scivis thus far. I have put together an outline of exactly what I want in this video. This may not be exact, but I want approximately one minute to be about what happens to your body/brain/nerves post-amputation. I want the second minute to be talking a little bit about the mechanics of a basic bionic arm. ie. what parts are necessary to be controlled by the brain, the basic components of a very basic arm. I want the last minute to bring the body and machine together. How does the arm know what your brain is saying? How are brain signals interpreted by the machine? I have also been toying with the idea of adding a character for flavor and comic relief, but I’m not sure if that’s a good idea. I am now starting the research. I am in the process of gathering sources. I have found web articles, a YouTube video, and some TED Talks. I want to find some books for resource diversity, but I don’t know how many books I can find on a subject so new.

Well then. I have changed my topic. I am now working with Jane on her dopamine / happiness project. This is very good for many reasons. A) There is now less stress on me. B) Jane got a perfect score on her personal project and knows how to beat the system. She’ll be a great mentor.  I am new at this whole 3D graphics thing and to pull of my own scivis is somewhat unrealistic. I like this change. However, I now have to tweak my timeline and criteria. Do I have to get my timeline re-approved? I have already redone it twice… Anyway, I really have to think about this, and I need to figure this out. I am very excited about this project, but I don’t know all of the details. The topics I will now be researching are dopamine pathways, macro and micromolecular modeling, and mMaya modeling. I think that I’ll be able to find diverse sources for this. I hope so anyway. I will help with modeling and rendering. Another cool thing about this project is that I will be able to submit something to TSA this year. Next year, I'll know all about that process and I'll know how to do it. This will be a very nice introduction to TSA and I am very excited about this project.

Here are some cool pictures I found that relate to this new project:
Image result for macromolecular graphic modeling
Image result for macromolecular graphic modeling

I don't know what these are but they look cool.

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