Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Today I typed up a small series of questions that I wanted to ask. The reason I like to type up questions before submitting them/asking them is because I really like the idea of revision. I often get disorganized in my speech and I get very stressed out because of this disorganization and become more disorganized, more stressed out, more disorganized, and the cycle continues until I become an embarrassed, panicked mess. This is why I like typing up/writing out complicated questions such as the ones I had today. When I write them out, I can make sure that I am saying exactly what I want to say and how I want to say it without getting interrupted, panicked, then embarrassed. Sure, if I have a small question such as "how to you change the beveling offset" or "what is the answer to life, the universe, and everything" then I won't have to write it out. Today's questions were not only complicated, but kind of weird and a bit embarrassing. I'm not mad or anything, I just wanted to explain this so that you don't think that I don't want to talk to you. 

Anyway, after the letter I started writing my reflort (reflection/report). I titled it "The Daft Punk Document" because I had "Get Lucky" stuck in my head. I may or may not change that title, I haven't decided yet.

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