Monday, October 5, 2015

Looking Stuff Up and Being Confused.

This week marks the start of my research. I finished my outline of what the video will look like and then I started looking for books, videos, and articles that fir the criteria of what I want to know. I looked at our school library (and did not find anything), and the Aurora Public Library catalog (no dice). However, I did find quite a bit of cool stuff when I just looked on the internet. I found a couple TED talks about how the brain works and quite a few articles. I did not find much about the mechanics of a bionic arm. This is expected. I'll just have to do research on general mechanics and apply it to making an arm. I am pretty excited to learn about this stuff, I find it really cool. I really want to know what happens to your arm when it gets amputated, ripped, or bitten off, but when I consulted Google Sensei, all I got was "How to Cut Your Arm Off"... The confusion is real.

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