Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Extrude Curve Along A Path

This is the "extrude curve along a path" assignment. I saved it as "thirdAttemptAtThisFrackingAssignment" for... reasons. This is the story of the assignment:

I started the assignment and felt like I understood what I was doing. All of a sudden, I was trying to close my linear curve shape and was confused. Upon asking for help, I discovered that I had done something quite odd, and unfamiliar even to the local experts. After 5-10 minutes of trying to figure out what I had done, I was told to save the anomaly (another project for another day) and start again on the project. I was fine with this, because the anomaly that I had accidentally created was actually kind of cool and I looked forward to playing with it in the not-too-distant future... Anyways, I had to restart the project. This was my second attempt. I struggled with this project all the way until the actual extrude part, and Maya crashed. Being the inexperienced 3D artist that I am, I had forgotten to save the project and had to start over. Again. This resulted in my having to make a third attempt at the assignment, and thus, the file's name. After saving, Maya continued to crash and by the end I had attempted the project many more times than three. The end.

Ah well, the project is done now so all is well.

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