Thursday, December 17, 2015


MY LIFE IS COMPLETE, MY LIGHTSABER IS DONE. I really like it to be honest. I was kind of freaking out about the rendering, but everything turned out to be okay and I figured it out. One reason this took me so long was that I had it all done and was taking my screenshots and realized that something looked really cool and changed a couple things and well, it turned out better than I thought it would be so I'm happy. Here are the pictures:

Tuesday, December 15, 2015


I finished modeling the lightsaber today and am somewhat nervous about coloring it and rendering it. It seems pretty complicated... Anyway, I plan to come in and work on it after school as much as I possibly can just to make sure I finish it. In other news, apparently I am now completely taking over the "Science of Joy" scivis and am kind of freaking out. The good thing is that even if I don't completely finish it, My MYP project criteria can still be met.


I did the grip on the lightsaber today and the two pieces above it. I had some trouble revolving the two pieces above the grip, they came out reversed and wouldn't go back to normal... Also, I talked about the big project with Cornell and Jane and I guess I'm doing the storyboard now.

I honestly don't feel like coming up with a creative title at this point in time... Sorry.

Today I worked on my lightsaber some more. I finished most of the EP curves and revolved them. I just haven't done the grip or the piece just above the grip.

Saturday, December 5, 2015


We started modeling the Lightsaber today, and I cannot contain my excitement. I was fine up until the EP curve part and I had to remember how those work, but eventually I figured it out so that's nice. Unfortunately, I forgot to periodically save my work (aGAiN GAh WHY DO I ALWAYS DO THAT) and my work was lost, gone, into the void of deletion. I then re-did it at lunch and SAVED IT (finally).

I am very excited about this project and can't wait to finish it.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Finishing the Lighting Assignment

I finished the lighting assignment but I don't have pictures yet. I'll post those in a later post. I just want to make sure I have this post here for the purpose of chronological organization. I saw in the tutorial that the shape was tinted blue and assumed it was because one of the lights was colored. I then attempted creativity and colored my shape black and added green and red lights (I didn't add additional lights, I just colored two of them) for both school and holiday spirit. I'm not a horribly festive person... Oh, I also tried making the shape white because the one in the tutorial was black, but Jaylah said that the black was better. Regardless, after a long and confusing struggle with this lighting assignment, I finally finished it and will upload pictures ASAP.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Restarting the Lighting Assignment

I tried to save my first attempt at the lighting assignment... I ended up having to rage quit and start anew. I forgot exactly where I left off but I think I have the camera part taken care of. Hopefully the rendering problem won't happen again. I think I know what I did wrong so that's good. I'm going to come in after school today and work on it. With any luck, I'll be able to make some decent progress. Wish me luck!